Alma Mater
Literacy Night
CMS Innovation Day
Military signing day
National Anthem
Mr. McGee high fiving
Future class of 2036
First day at CES
Buddy bench
Track and field day volunteers
CMS Career Day
Key Club gift to construction workers
Marching band
Alice in Wonderland
Pole vault
Wheelchair basketball
Flag football
Homecoming bonfire
White Tigers team

Cloverleaf Elementary School News

Preschool news Preschool peer model screening registration
Do you have a child age 3 to 5 within the Cloverleaf district? If so, your child may be eligible to attend preschool at Cloverleaf! It's a special education preschool offering services for preschool-age students with disabilities, as well as a limited number of typically developing peer models. Peer Model Screening Registration is open through Feb. 20. Screening sessions take place March 7. Please click for online sign-up and more information. 
Northern lights CES Girls Dance: "Under the Northern Lights"
Join us for an enchanting night of dancing, balloon corsages, staged photo-ops and raffle baskets 6 to 9 p.m. March 1 at Cloverleaf High School. For all CES girls, accompanied by one parental figure. Click HERE for tickets!
Scene 75 Entertainment Center CES Boys Fun Day at Scene 75
Join us for a Sunday afternoon of fun 4 to 7 p.m. March 9! This event is open to all CES boys accompanied by one parental figure. Each attendee gets three hours of unlimited attractions (not including arcade play), one slice of pizza and one drink. Click HERE for tickets.

Can of colored pencils Kindergarten registration is open!
We are excited to welcome the Colts Class of 2038! Children who will be age 5 by Aug. 1, 2025, are eligible to register for kindergarten. Please click HERE to learn more and to sign up for kindergarten screening.
School bus Remind Codes for School Buses
Parents and Students: With Remind, you can receive updates on bus arrival times and other school transportation news. Please click HERE to get the Remind code for your bus.
CES Parent-Teacher Organization CEPTO dates to remember!
Cloverleaf Elementary School PTO has a ton of events planned for the 2024-25 school year!
students on computers Chromebook Care and Use
Students and Parents: Chromebooks are integral to student learning. They must be properly cared for and ready to go every day. Please take a few minutes to review these best practices for Chromebook care and use.
Remind New for 2024-25: Remind
There's a new communications tool for Cloverleaf families beginning with the 2024-25 school year: Remind. Watch for more information coming your way this summer. In the meantime, middle school and high school families can begin signing up for transportation and athletics communications using the codes in the documents below:

One world, many stories Go on a reading staycation!
Reading can take you anywhere! The Literacy Team at CES has put together a guide to grade-level-appropriate games and activities to help families have fun and practice reading skills in the car, at home and all the places in between. Please click HERE.
Feeding Medina County Food resources available
If your family could use assistance with meals, please contact your child's school or Feeding Medina County. Resources are available to help.



Cloverleaf Elementary School

   8337 Friendsville Road
   Seville, Ohio 44273   

   Karen Martin
   Grades Pre-K to 2
   Grades 3-5
   Important Numbers
   Attendance: 330-302-0101
   Main Office: 330-302-0103
   Student Registration: 330-302-0313

   At Cloverleaf Elementary School ...
   I can be Respectful
   I can be Responsible
   I can be a Problem Solver
   I can be Safe

Important Dates

District Calendars

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