Alma Mater
Literacy Night
CMS Innovation Day
Military signing day
National Anthem
Mr. McGee high fiving
Future class of 2036
First day at CES
Buddy bench
Track and field day volunteers
CMS Career Day
Key Club gift to construction workers
Marching band
Alice in Wonderland
Pole vault
Wheelchair basketball
Flag football
Homecoming bonfire
White Tigers team

Colt TV News

Feb. 13, 2025


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High School News

Check presentation to parents of Lauren Ramey $3,000 raised in memory of Lauren Ramey
The Cloverleaf girls basketball team, in cooperation with Cloverleaf Junior Achievement, raised $3,000 in memory of 2005 Cloverleaf High School graduate Laren Ramey, who passed away in October after a courageous battle with cancer. The fundraiser will benefit her son, Alikay Ramey-Wilson.
Graduation caps Place senior yearbook ads by Mar. 1
Yearbook recognition ads are a great way to commemorate achievements and celebrate milestones for graduating seniors. Plus, the ads help support the CHS yearbook program! Deadline to order is Mar. 1. Click HERE to download an order form.
CHS podcast students Student journalists attend OSMA workshop
Thanks to a generous grant from the Cloverleaf Education Foundation, CHS students were able to attend the Ohio Scholastic Media Association's Regional Workshop at KSU on Oct. 18.
CHS Podcast New Episode CHS Ohio Report Card Review
On the latest episode of the CHS Podcast, broadcasting and podcasting students Lydia Fike, Saige Foky and Gia Depew ask Curriculum Director Adam Lewis about Cloverleaf High School's showing on the 2024 Ohio School Report Card. Click HERE to listen!
School bus Remind Codes for School Buses
Parents and Students: With Remind, you can receive updates on bus arrival times and other school transportation news. Please click HERE to get the Remind code for your bus.
students on computers Chromebook Care and Use
Students and Parents: Chromebooks are integral to student learning. They must be properly cared for and ready to go every day. Please take a few minutes to review these best practices for Chromebook care and use.
Remind New for 2024-25: Remind
There's a new communications tool for Cloverleaf families beginning with the 2024-25 school year: Remind. Watch for more information coming your way this summer. In the meantime, middle school and high school families can begin signing up for transportation and athletics communications using the codes in the documents below:

Clothes & shoes recycling bin Recycle and help Key Club!
Don't throw away those worn-out clothes, shoes, towels, bedding, belts, backpacks, etc. Instead, toss them in the green Clothes & Shoes Bin in the Cloverleaf Community Rec Center parking lot and it all gets recycled. As a bonus, the CHS Key Club earns money for every pound collected!
Feeding Medina County Food resources available
If your family could use assistance with meals, please contact your child's school or Feeding Medina County. Resources are available to help.


  Cloverleaf High School  
      7540 Buffham Road
     Seville, Ohio 44273

      Principal: Gary Miller
      Associate Principal: Bart Randolph
      School Hours:     
      7:45 a.m. to 2:31 p.m.
      Important Numbers
      Attendance: 330-302-0325
      Main Office: 330-302-0328
      Fax: 330-302-0530

Mission of Cloverleaf High School:

The mission of Cloverleaf High School, a campus that exemplifies tradition, pride and excellence is to guarantee all students will have the ability to achieve their goals and possess the skills necessary to become contributing citizens by offering an experiential, innovative, core curriculum with diversified elective courses delivered by a highly qualified staff in a safe, respectful and caring environment.

Upcoming Events


Important Dates Calendar

District Calendars

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